Board of Directors Minutes for December 18, 2019

Create to Liberate Board of Directors
Board Meeting Minutes for December 18, 2019
At Mocha Lounge on Dupont Rd, Fort Wayne, IN
Board members in attendance and constituting a quorum were: 
Angie Marquardt- President
Carrie Miller-Treasurer
Courtney Smith-Secretary
Jen Lee-Board Member
Board members absent: 
All members were present except for Board Member Lee.
Others Present:
There were no guests present at this meeting.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 12:41 pm by President Angie Marquardt. Secretary Smith second the motion.
Prior Meeting Minutes Approval:
President Marquardt signed and approved the previous meeting minutes.
Presidents Report:
President Marquardt reminded the board that a decision needed to be made on what to to do about the $1000.00 deposit at Come 2 Go Ministries. The board was asked to take until the next meeting to see if anyone could come up with a proposal for an event to be held in order to raise funds. If the board is not able to come up with an idea the space will have to be forfeited and the organization will lose the $1000.00 deposit. The board agreed to take the next month to think about it and report back at the next meeting with any proposals.
President Marquardt updated the board on the status of independent living classes at the Villages. The classes are to begin in February and focus on cooking and interpersonal skills. These classes are to be held on Tuesday evenings and a member from the board will be expected to be at one of the classes each month. President Marquardt will send more information regarding each class when she is able.
Special Event:
President Marquardt updated the board on the status of the Tea Party ticket sales. Currently, sales are slower than last year, so ideas for advertising need to be brainstormed in order to generate more revenue. The board was asked to be thinking of different ways to advertise for the event. 
President Marquardt asked Treasurer Miller to look over the the party budget and let the Tea Party Committee know how many tickets need to be sold in order to break even and how much money the committee can spend on princesses. Treasurer Miller agreed to look over the budget and let the committee know. 
Treasurer’s Report: 
Treasurer Miller asked Secretary Smith to send her a copy of the organizations bylaws so she could review the policies and check with the small business organization on how to make amendments and what could be eliminated or added to the current bylaws. Once she is able to get more information on how to make these changes she will bring it to the board for a vote. She also requested that President Marquardt send her all of the books that were being recorded by the previous treasurer so that she might begin to make a budget and be prepared to file taxes. President Marquardt agreed to reach out to former Treasurer Davis for this information and send it to Treasurer Miller. 
Upcoming Meeting:
The next board of directors meeting will be held on January 21, 2020 at 6:30 pm at the Mocha Lounge on Dupont Road Fort Wayne, IN.
President Marquardt moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:30 pm. All approved, none opposed. Motion carried.
Time adjourned  1:30 pm

Minutes were taken and submitted by board secretary Courtney Smith. 
Signature of Board Secretary _____________________
Signature of Board President _____________________


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