October 30, 2019 Board of Directors Board Meeting Minutes

Create to Liberate Board of Directors
Board Meeting Minutes for October 30, 2019
At Mocha Lounge Dupont Road, Fort Wayne, IN
Board members in attendance and constituting a quorum were: 
Angie Marquardt- President
Courtney Smith-Secretary
Jen Lee-Board Member
Board members absent: 
All members were present and accounted for.
Others Present:
There were no guests present at this meeting.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 12:22 pm by President Angie Marquardt.
Prior Meeting Minutes Approval:
President Marquardt will sign and approve the previous meeting minutes at the next board meeting.
Presidents Report:
President Marquardt made a motion to elect Carrie Miller to the position of board Treasurer. Board Member Lee second the motion. All agreed, none opposed. Motion carried. 
Board member Lee made a suggestion that moving forward all board meeting should be held at a specific date and time. President Marquardt made a motion to hold committee meetings on the first Wednesday of the month and the monthly board meeting to be held on the last Wednesday of the month. The location to be set as the Mocha Lounge and the time to be 12:30 pm unless otherwise noted at the meeting prior. Secretary Smith second the motion. All agreed, none opposed. Motion carried.
President Marquardt made a motion to offer volunteer positions to all other candidates that had shown interest in being a part of the organization. The role of director of sponsorships to be given to Jenny Balbaugh, the role of community outreach coordinator to Tina Lane, the role of volunteer coordinator to Jessica Butterfield, the role of curriculum coordinator to Lacy Taylor, and the role of chief technical advisor to Jake Smith. Board member Lee second the motion. All agreed, none opposed. Motion carried.
Secretary Smith suggested that the role of donations coordinator be another volunteer position that should try and be filled. The board agreed. 
President Marquardt requested that Secretary Smith create job descriptions to be given to the volunteers. Secretary Smith agreed to have them completed by the next board meeting.
President Marquardt also asked the board to be thinking about what should be done about the $1,000.00 hold on the event space at Come 2 Go Ministries. The board was asked to think about whether another event should be planned and pay out the second payment installment of $1,000.00, or if it would be in the best interest of the organization to forfeit the date and the down payment. The board agreed to come with a decision at the next board meeting.
President Marquardt also asked Secretary Smith to be in contact with DCS and Safe Families for children to see if they were in need of classes. Secretary Smith agreed to be in contact with them.
President Marquardt informed the board that she would have content for the upcoming website delivered to technical advisor Smith by next week.
Special Event:
President Marquardt discussed with the board the progress of the Princess Tea Party. President Marquardt asked the board to be in contact with Black Rose Events, The Civic Theater, Summit theater, and any other contacts the board had in order to get quotes on actors or costumes. The board agreed to get as many quotes as possible by the next board meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Due to the absence of a treasurer the board will discuss the organizations financials once the treasurer is elected and is able to give a full report.
Upcoming Meeting:
The next board meeting is to be held on November 27, 2019 at 12:30 pm at the Mocha Lounge on Dupont Road Fort Wayne, IN.
President Marquardt moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:00 pm. Board member Lee second the motion. All approved, none opposed. Motion carried.
Time adjourned  1:00 pm

Minutes were taken and submitted by board secretary Courtney Smith. 
Signature of Board Secretary _____________________
Signature of Board President _____________________


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