December 3, 2018

Create to Liberate Board of Directors
Board Meeting Minutes for December 3, 2018
Mocha Lounge, 4635 E Dupont Rd Fort Wayne, IN

Board members in attendance and constituting a quorum were: 
Angie Marquardt- President
Josh Davis-Treasurer
Courtney Smith-Secretary (via video call)
Jen Lee-Board Member

Board members absent: 
All members were present and accounted for. Secretary Smith was available via video call. 

Others Present:
There were no guests present at this meeting.

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 9:15 am by President Angie Marquardt.

Prior Meeting Minutes Approval:
The previous meeting minutes were sent to President Marquardt three days prior to the meeting; however, they were not signed due to the secretary being only present via video chat. The previous meeting minutes, as well as, the current minutes will be signed at the next board meeting on January 14th. 

Presidents Report:
President Marquardt updated the board on the progress of the development of Create to Liberate’s programs. The backpack program was determined to not be a viable option due to the lack of need, unless it could be modified to fit a need. More locations were proposed for the life skills and art therapy classes. Allen County public libraries and Summit on Rudisill, which offers discounts to non-profits, were deemed to be the best locations to hold the classes. The possibility of acquiring a vehicle for the organization, in order to deliver meals and/or kids to and from classes, was proposed and all agreed to the proposal. President Marquardt also discussed the progress on the photo shoots and the printing of brochures for the organization. A photoshoot is planned for next weekend in order to capture the meal making process for the organizations meal program. Clover Printing Company came in for the lowest bid on printing the brochures and offered a significant discount to the non-profit and therefore was chosen to be the printing company the organization will use. President Marquardt also discussed the Foster Care Summit and that it had been a successful networking opportunity for the organization.

Special Event:
President Marquardt updated the board on the Sanctus Real concert event. Treasurer Davis went over the cost of all options and President Marquardt made a motion to move forward on the Grand Wayne Center as the venue for the event. Potential dates for the event were also discussed and a date in either February or March was decided to be the best option. Treasurer Davis also discussed advertising for the event by using facebook, instagram, STAR88.3 radio station, and churches within the community. Treasurer Davis suggested promoting the concert by allowing the churches in the community to sell tickets after services, which would save the organization the online ticket sale costs. Ticket giveaways were also proposed to current foster families and their children, as well as possibly offering them as incentives to people who would sign up to help with Gateway Woods’ programs. Products to be sold at the event were also discussed, such as coffee mugs, t-shirts, candles, bracelets, etc. Board member Lee will be working on figuring out which products will bring in the most profit. Create to Liberate’s logo is in the finishing stages, and should be ready to be put on merchandise soon. 

Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Davis updated the board on the financials of the organization. The organization currently has $5,000.00 in the account; $1000.00 has been allocated to Create to Liberate’s operating budget and $4,000.00 has been allocated to the Princess Tea Party budget. Treasurer Davis also asked the board to be thinking about fundraising and sponsorship opportunities. Board member Lee offered her company as a sponsor and Treasurer Davis is going to see if his company might be willing to be a sponsor. A GoFundMe page was set up to raise money for the organization and $125 was raised. Board member Lee will be covering the $800.00 needed in order for her to go through the MindCap program. Other possible proposed fundraisers were bake sales, coin funnels at the concert and tea party for kids to throw loose change into, and asking business owners to donate resources. Treasurer Davis is going to make sure that the website makes it easy for anyone to be able to sponsor the organization.

President Marquardt proposed a motion to move forward on the Grand Wayne Center as the location for the Sanctus Real concert event. Treasurer Davis second the motion, all approved, none opposed. Motion carried. 
President Marquardt proposed a motion to move forward on acquiring a vehicle for organization. All approved, none opposed, motion carried.

Upcoming Meeting:
The next board meeting will be held on January 14th at the Mocha Lounge (4635 E. Dupont Road Fort Wayne, IN), at 9:00 am. 

President Marquardt moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 am. All approved, none opposed. Motion carried.
Time adjourned 10:35 am.

Minutes were taken and submitted by board secretary Courtney Smith. 

Signature of Board Secretary _____________________

Signature of Board President _____________________


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